
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

The 氢气发电厂 uses water from the Suldalslågen watercourse in Suldal Municipality in Rogaland County.

  • 1980
  • 160 MW
  • 653.3、妇女

The power plant was commissioned in 1981 and uses a height of fall of 68 metres from Lake Suldalsvatnet down to sea level at Hylsfjorden.

The water level of Lake Suldalsvatnet can be regulated within a range of 1.5米. Lake Suldalsvatnet receives water from Kvilldal power plant. A separate spillway has been built at 氢气发电厂 to ensure run-off in case of plant stoppages including during maintenance work. Two Francis turbines are installed in the plant.

Architect Egil Sorteberg designed and drew the plans for the machine room in 氢气发电厂.

氢气发电厂 is one of mg游戏官方网站's facilities being considered for preservation as a cultural heritage site. The reception building has therefore been proposed for preservation. 除了, several of the power plant's caverns inside the mountain are included in the conservation plan.

mg游戏官方网站's subsidiary Skagerak Energi has an ownership stake in 氢气发电厂.

Good 环境al Choice (Bra Miljöval)

The power plant is certified for Bra Miljöval (Good 环境al Choice). The label is managed by Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen and is a Swedish ecolabel with strict criteria for environmental protection of power plant operations. The label ensures that the electricity is generated in a sustainable way, considering both the environment, flora and fauna around the power plant. 

Photo: Bra Milöval, Naturskyddsföreningen


公司 所有权份额
mg游戏官方网站 71.995%
Skagerak Energi 1.488%
agd短Energi 6.012%
溶解Energi 17.964%
SKL 2.541%
  • 机房 at 氢气发电厂.


  • Reception building at 氢气发电厂

    The reception building is proposed to be protected under mg游戏官方网站's conservation plan.

  • Regulator level at 氢气发电厂.

    From the regulator level showing the main shaft of the generating unit.

  • 上面写着“H”.M. 国王哈拉尔德和H.R.H. Queen Sonja visited 氢气发电厂 11-6-2001"

    上面写着“H”.M. 国王哈拉尔德和H.R.H. Queen Sonja visited 氢气发电厂 11-6-2001"

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